Our Services
Exclusive Services
Lyn Aerospace is a cost effective technical service provider specializing in engineering, test, analyses, evaluation, and software development of instrumentation radars systems. We have assembled and maintain a highly talented hardware and software engineering staff with an average of 20+ years of experience and proven capabilities. Lyn Aerospace supports the characterization and performance of our nation’s most critical defense and strategic weapon system.
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Radar Systems Design and Refresh
Lyn Aerospace provides radar systems design and refresh for those systems that are or becoming obsolete. In our Hawaii location, we are on contract to upgrade Queens 1, 4, 8, 5, and 16. Queens 4, 15, 1, and 8 are complete. These radars have been upgraded with the ROSA II (LASR) backend. We are currently upgrading an S-Band radar out at Wright Patterson AFB, and the TPQ 18 radar on Vandenberg AFB.
Software Development
All our ROSA II (LASR) upgrades require extensive software development. Lyn Aerospace employs numerous software developers to get this task accomplished. We not only work on the ROSA II software development, but real-time and signature analysis software development as well.
Radar Signature Analysis
Lyn Aerospace provides very detailed Target Motion Resolution Analysis for AFGSC and NNSA in support of the MM III launch program. We provide ½ cone angle determinations, radar cross section, motion and metric accuracy analysis and any Launch Anomaly Group investigations when requested. Lyn Aerospace is currently in the process of working on metric analysis for the XTR-1 system and their mission analysis to include bias modeling.
Lyn Aerospace provides cybersecurity support to meet all our customer needs. We perform monthly maintenance and security scans, but also provide necessary artifacts for Risk Management Framework compliance and assisting in getting our customers the required Authority To Operate. This cybersecurity expertise can be found in all three Lyn Aerospace offices, with multiple personnel employed to perform these duties.
Pre-Flight Mission Planning
Lyn Aerospace provides all pre-flight prediction analysis for every Air Force MM III launch. We provide the radar operators with predicted RV aspect angle (and Signal-to-Noise Ratio) versus time. Lyn Aerospace also provides the radar operator training for requested MDA launches. This simulator-based radar training provides the radar operators with realistic nominal and off-nominal scenarios to help them to prepare for the upcoming mission.
Operations and Sustainment
Lyn Aerospace provides sustainment and engineering support for many of the Queen radars at PMRF as well as the XTR-1 sensor on the Pacific Tracker ship. Our personnel also provide on site radar operations support during every AF MM III missile launch and the requested MDA launches. To date our personnel have supported over 20 MM III launches and 4 MDA launches.